Tuesday 13 March 2007

Cards from Australia

I don’t have teaching schedule today, I was like huraaay, so I have free time to do number of things.
I was planning to do some house works before I go on the computer, then came the mails, one of them from Victoria Australia,…..it was from the 6 years old twins Nic and Becca, they are the chidren of my good friend, I was like huraaay, was very happy to get mail from them…I then opened it, n waaauw… waaauw…. it was very touched, it was two hand darwing cards that expressed how much they love me and how much they miss us (me and my daughter), so I have two huraays today.

I was touched not only by the expression of their feelings, but also the picture that they had draw for us, and one of the pictures is the Church with the big Cross, and the fact that these kids are only 6 years old Muslims is showing that they have a highly tolerant and respect to
other people’s religion.
Here we are in UK, anything about religion is much influence with big PC-GM (political correctness getting mad) I think the people behind this PC need to learn from these two six year old kids on how to be tolerant and respect to other people’s religion.

The tree is known from it fruits; their parents teach them and bringing them up in a very responsible way to this world, how to respect other people’s religion and how to live in harmony with other people regardless their race or religion.

I wish every parents to teach their kids in this way, we then don’t have to read or watching the news about the stupidity acts made by some politicians and terrible horror stories between religions then the world become a better place to live.

P.S; Nick n Becca, thank you very much, I'm very proud of you.

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