Saturday 24 March 2007


Tertawa beresiko memperlihatkan kebodohan
Menangis beresiko memperlihatkan kecengengan
Bertemu orang lain beresiko memperlihatkan keterlibatan
Menunjukan perasaan beresiko menunjukan diri anda Yang sebenarnya.

Mengemukakan gagasan-gagasan , impian-impian anda dihadapan umum beresiko kehilangan mereka

Mencintai beresiko tidak dicintai
Hidup beresiko mati
Berharap beresiko putus asa
Mencoba beresiko gagal

Tetapi resiko harus diambil , karena bahaya terbesar dalam hidup adalah tidak mengambil resiko apapun.
Orang yng tidak mengambil resiko , tidak melakukan apapun, tidak memiliki apapun , dan tidak berarti apa-apa.
Mereka dapat menghindar dari penderitaan dan kesedihan , tetapi mereka tidak dpt belajar, merasakan,berubah, bertumbuh, mencintai atau hidup.

Mereka adalah budak-budak yang dikungkung oleh sikap mereka sendiri , yakni kehilangan kebebasan. Orang merdeka hanyalah mereka yang berani mengambil resiko.
So jangan takut mengambil resiko bila sudah dipikirkan.

Selamat mengambil resiko.

Monday 19 March 2007

Where East met West

This is what happened when the East met West in Japanese restaurant Sapporo Liverpool.
We met with two good looking young gentlemen who seem interesting in Asian culture and foods of course.

We were joking excitingly, Emmy, Eva, and Tiny getting very exciting with Anto’s Jokes without realizing there are other people sitting in our table, well... we all were quite noisy.

Apologetically, I started the conversation “I’m really sorry we are talking quite laud, is the whether you see” (what’s got to do with the weather?, he ..he…he… silly me! )
“Oh, don’t worry no problem” said one of them.
“do you like Asian foods” I ask?
“yes, Asian foods are very nice” both answered

We then started chatting ......

Eva, Anto promoting Bali and Yogya, that Indonesia is a beautiful country, especially Yogya, foods are very good, everything is cheap compare to UK, blab bla bla bla..”

"but don't try to drink from the tap water" Eva added.

"why...?" Matthew was curious,

"is one of the bad things travel in Indonesia"

Well... well.. welll, I dont think this is good publication mate.....

“by the way what’s your name?” I changed the subject
“my name is Matthew”
“my name is Adam”
“nice to meet you”

So we all engaged in conversation about Indonesian people, culture, people and oh yes that’s including famous Bali Bombing. Both seems interesting to know more about Indonesia and Matthew said “it make me more wanting to go to Bali”

I don’t think they quite anticipate that we are actually quite chatty, too chatty really, poor guys they didn’t get much chances to talk,……..they looked nerveous surrounded by chatty Indonesian strangers..... but it’s always nice to meet nice people isn’t it?

Oh well Adam and Matthew now you know that we are Indos are quite chatty when we met new people and more importantly, their chatty means friendly.
Nice meetimg you both....!

Tuesday 13 March 2007

Cards from Australia

I don’t have teaching schedule today, I was like huraaay, so I have free time to do number of things.
I was planning to do some house works before I go on the computer, then came the mails, one of them from Victoria Australia,… was from the 6 years old twins Nic and Becca, they are the chidren of my good friend, I was like huraaay, was very happy to get mail from them…I then opened it, n waaauw… waaauw…. it was very touched, it was two hand darwing cards that expressed how much they love me and how much they miss us (me and my daughter), so I have two huraays today.

I was touched not only by the expression of their feelings, but also the picture that they had draw for us, and one of the pictures is the Church with the big Cross, and the fact that these kids are only 6 years old Muslims is showing that they have a highly tolerant and respect to
other people’s religion.
Here we are in UK, anything about religion is much influence with big PC-GM (political correctness getting mad) I think the people behind this PC need to learn from these two six year old kids on how to be tolerant and respect to other people’s religion.

The tree is known from it fruits; their parents teach them and bringing them up in a very responsible way to this world, how to respect other people’s religion and how to live in harmony with other people regardless their race or religion.

I wish every parents to teach their kids in this way, we then don’t have to read or watching the news about the stupidity acts made by some politicians and terrible horror stories between religions then the world become a better place to live.

P.S; Nick n Becca, thank you very much, I'm very proud of you.

Friday 9 March 2007

Yang menang Arisan

Yang menang arisan:

  • February :Yani & Lili
  • Maret: Ani & Yuni
  • April : Lucy

Untuk bulan-bulan selanjutnya para pemenang akan dicabut sampai bln December pada pertemuan berikutnya.

P.S. sorry agak terlambat pengumumannya, kalau ada yang salah ttg diatas dan ingin dikoreksi silahkan, dengan senang hati akan diperbaiki.

Tuesday 6 March 2007

Info about Ladies' day in Ascot

How to book?

Booking bisa instant resertvation atau minta formulir di Omega Holiday Plc (kerjasama dengan Echo Liverepool).
Just telp 0151 2275987 or 606454

Mulai dari £109.95 includes:
  • Admission to the SilverRing
  • Overnight accomodtion including English Breakfast kalau nginap di 3*Palms Hotel, for supplement of $20 untuk upgrade di 4* Crown Plaza dekat Heathrow.
  • All coach visits
  • Coaching throughout, mulai pick up sampai antar jemput di Hotel and Ascot
  • Tour manager
  • VAT at 17%

Jadwal yang saya punya dari travel sbb:

Rabu tgl 20, Jemputan di setiap pick up points pagi hari, travel ke Windsor (residennya ratu), dari sana jalan2 ke River Thames, trus ke Hotel (kita bisa hahahahihihii do hotel)

Kamis tgl 21, Sesudah breakfast langsung ke Ascot diantar dengan coach tempat duduk di Silver ring kalau mau upgrade ke general admission tambah £45 (aku pikir kita nggak perlu, disana kita bisa showing off hat and dress kita disana, foto-foto, bilin film, haha hi hi, lala lili, de el el, heheee).

Habis racing lamngsung pulaaaaang.

Ok info selanjutnya ditelp diatas langsung sama agensinya ya...? Kalau ada yang mo pergi mungkin saat booking kita bisa bilang sama agencynya supaya kita bisa satu coach, bisa biar la la li li, hahah...ha ..ha..

Hayo siapa yang mau ikut?

Sunday 4 March 2007

Ladies day in Ascot

Hi ladies.....! ada yang mau ikutan ke Ladies' day in Ascot tgl 20-21 June? kalau ada yang mau ikutan, nanti bisa di booking bareng.
Aku sudah punya formulir, kalau ada yang berminat nanti kukasih nomor telpon agencynya buat request booking formulirnya supaya kita bisa bareng dan kita bisa arrange nanti gimana aturnya.

Ladies Ascot seperti yang kita tahu bersama adalah salah satu event terbesar dalam calender of eventnya UK, dalam event ini media cetak ataupun electronic dari bebagai negara tumpek blek disana.

Salah satu atraksi yang paling menarik dan terkenal adalah busana para ladies serta topi-topi yang aneh, lucu, menarik, gereget, heboh dan cantik yang mendapat liputan terbanyak dari even racing horse yang sebenarnya, nah kalau kita pergi dan mengenakan baju/topi rancangan Indonesia di event tersebut pasti rada unik ya?.

Kalau ada yang berminat, please let me know.